West Point Middle School Cancer Fighters

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Cancer Posters

7th Grade Science Students at West Point Middle School creating educational posters on the various types of cancer that they are studying this year. These posters will be hung in the hallways of West Point Middle School to alert other students to the dangers and possible causes of the more common types of cancer impacting the West Point community such as; skin, lung, mouth and breast cancer. These posters will also be displayed at "Cancer Awareness Night" at West Popint so parents, grandparents and other members of the West Point community can benefit from the Cancer Service-Learning project that the 7th Grade Class has participated in this school year.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Fundraiser for Hospice Patients with Cancer

On Friday December 11, a school-wide fundraiser was conducted by the 7th Grade SIA Class Leadership Team in an effort to raise money for Cullman County hospice patients with cancer. "Hat passes" and tattoos were sold by the Class Leadership Team to raise money to be given to the local hospice organization before the Holidays. In the attached photo the 7th Grade SIA Leadership Team is seen presenting the school fundraiser check to Ms. Jennifer Smith from the Cullman County Hospice group on Wednesday, December 16.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Third Meeting

Today Dec. 3, 2009 we had our third meeting. Today we talked about fundraisers and such. We decided that the Hat/Tattoe fundraiser will be Dec. 11. On the 9th Katie will announce the fundraisers, on the 10th Ashton will remind people, and on the 11th Dakota will remind them that it is the final day to buy stuff. We will be selling the things in the lunchroom all day long. Dakota wiil be purchasing the tattoes at dollar general, and Austin will be posting the cancer rates in Cullman. Dakota will get the final t-shirt design and turn that in to Mr.Kochik. Katie and Dakota will design the t-shirt flyers. Stone, Ashton, Tallie, and Dakota, will design 3 posters which we will hang around the school. That is all we talked about so bye.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Presentation on Cancer Research by Mr. Kevin Roberts

Photos of Mr. Kevin Roberts (father of Brittany Roberts - 7th Grade Life Science Student at WPMS) talking to our students about the causes of cancer and the research work that is being done by his company (HudsonAlpha Corp. of Huntsville) in the fight against cancer. Mr. Roberts also spoke to all our students about careers in science and research during his time with all our them. Westpoint Middle school sincerely appreciated the time that Mr. Roberts devoted to the education of our students.

Friday, November 20, 2009


Today Nov 19, 2009 we had a special guest at the school. His name was Dr.Roberts. He works at the Hudson-Alpha Research group and is the father of a student at our school. He showed us how cancer develops at the cellular level. He said that the problem starts when the DNA becomes slightly diffrent. There are three kinds of mistakes:insertion where the cell adds a strand, deletion where the cell deletes a strand, and finally when the cell changes one of the strands. The abnormal cell then reproduces itself and creates more cancer cells which develop into tumors.

Second Meeting

Yesterday Nov 18 2009 we had our second meeting. We changed a nickname and got a new member. Dericks new nickname is Sparticus and the new member is Austin Weaver A.K.A. Black Diamond. We talked about some fundraisers. They will be Hat day, T-shirts, and tattooes. We will also be making posters and phamplets. The t-shirt design team will consist of Dakota, Austin, and Tallie. The poster team will be Tallie, Stone, Ashton, and Dakota. The phamplet team wiil be Jesse, Derrick, and Austin. Finally the t-shirt flyer team will be Dakota and Katie.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Students studying cells

7th grade Life Science students at West Point Middle studying normal cells in preparation for their study of abnormal cancer cells and cell division.
